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- The Graphics Factory
- by
- Kamyan Software
- 1228 Narragansett Drive
- Carol Stream, IL 60188
- Internet: 73447.1114@compuserve.com
- WWW: http://members.aol.com/kamyansoft/home.htm
- Compuserve: 73447,1114
- BBS: 708-372-0174
- Voice: 708-372-6134
- This is information for Shareware Distributors, Disk Vendors, BBS SYSOPs and
- Computer Clubs who wish to distribute this software package.
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- The Graphics Factory - A graphic generating program for Windows.
- Create textures, backgrounds, designs, repeatable tiles, landscapes and
- more. This Windows program uses advanced algorithms and procedures such
- as noise, turbulence, magnetics, and life to work its graphic magic.
- Drawing types include, lines, boxes, pixels storm, sphere, fractals and
- over 30 more. Effects include, wave, transparency, jitter, filters,
- sphere projection and over 40 more. High color or true color recommended.
- $39.00 + $3.00 S+H.
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- BBS: This program may be freely distributed over BBS systems as long
- as there are no files added to or removed from the original compressed file
- package. Any and all file modifications are strictly prohibited.
- CATALOG, COMPUTER CLUB, FLEA MARKET, MAIL ORDER: This software product may be
- freely distributed via these methods as long as the LIMITED DISTRIBUTION
- LICENSE is followed.
- RETAIL LOCATIONS: This software product can NOT be distributed throught
- retail stores or catalogs which sell mostly non-shareware, commercial software.
- Contact Kamyan Software to negotiate a royality arrangement.
- LIMITED DISTRIBUTION LICENSE: As the exclusive copyright holder for this
- software, Kamyan Software authorizes distribution only in accordance with
- the following restrictions.
- This sotware product is defined as containing all the files listed in the
- "FILES.LST" file on this disk or archieve. If any files listed in the
- "FILES.LST" file are missing, then this product is not complete and
- distribution is forbidden. Please contact Kamyan Software to obtain a
- complete product suitable for distribution.
- This software product including all related program files and documentation
- files CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete
- product, without exception.
- No price or other compensation may be charged for this software product.
- A distribution fee of no more than US $6.00 may be charged to cover production
- and handling costs.
- The copyright holder's name, Kamyan Software, must appear in all ads and
- promotions including the name of the software product.
- This software product cannot be "rented" or "leased" to others.
- You may not list this product in advertisements, catalogs, or other
- literature which describes this product as "FREE SOFTWARE" or "PUBLIC DOMAIN
- SOFTWARE". Shareware is "Try-Before-You-Buy" software, it is not free.
- This is copyrighted material. It is not, and never has been, in the public
- domain.
- This software product CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive product.
- Nor can it be included in any commercial software packaging offer, without a
- written agreement from Kamyan Software.
- This software product can be included on DISK or CD-ROM as part of a library
- of shareware products, but only if all other products are shareware products
- and are represented as such. When distributing as part of a library of
- shareware products this LIMITED DISTRIBUTION LICENSE must still be strictly
- followed.
- If this LIMITED DISTRIBUTION LICENSE is not followed, Kamyan Software has
- the right to terminate this license.
- All rights not expressly granted here in are reserved to Kamyan Software.